AR-15 Mag Holder
IWB holsters can be molded at any cant per the costumers request. 0 degree to 25 degrees for example. Please specify in comments the degree of cant you would like. If cant is not specified, holsters will be molded at 15 degrees as this is our standard.
Return Policy
Any Holster can be returned at any time for any reason. If a holster is being returned due to manufacturing defect it will be remolded and shipped back at no cost to the costumer. If the holster is shipped back for repair or remolding due to improper care or use, ie leaving it on your dash board in the hot sun. It will be remolded and shipped back at the costumers expence. We are not responsible for any additional costs if you order the wrong holster. You may return it and the correct holster will be molded but the costumer is responsible for all additional costs. Please call with any questions prior to ordering.